Go Anagram

The history is well known. Go started as a pragmatic effort by Google, to answer their own software needs to manage hundreds of thousands (some say, tens of millions) of servers in Google’s Data Centers. If there’s anywhere a scale, Google has it. Quoting the early introduction (which I strongly suggest to read) Go at Google: Language Design in the Service of Software Engineering:

The Go programming language was conceived in late 2007 as an answer to some of the problems we were seeing developing software infrastructure at Google. The computing landscape today is almost unrelated to the environment in which the languages being used, mostly C++, Java, and Python, had been created. The problems introduced by multicore processors, networked systems, massive computation clusters, and the web programming model were being worked around rather than addressed head-on.
Go was designed and developed to make working in this environment more productive. Besides its better-known aspects such as built-in concurrency and garbage collection, Go’s design considerations include rigorous dependency management, the adaptability of software architecture as systems grow, and robustness across the boundaries between components.

When I first started looking at Go aka golang 1 it was strictly in connection with Docker, coreos/rkt, LXD and various other Containers. All of which happen to be coded in Go.

Your First Go

“Like many programmers I like to try out new languages” – a quote from Adam Leventhal’s blog  on his first Rust program: anagrammer. My contention as well 2. Not sure about Rust though but my today’s anagrammer in Go follows below, likely far from the most elegant:

 1 package main
 3 import (
 4         "bufio"
 5         "fmt"
 6         "log"
 7         "os"
 8         "sort"
 9         "strings"
 10 )
 12 func normalize(word string) string {
 13         lcword := strings.ToLower(word)
 14         letters := []string{}
 16         for _, cp := range lcword {
 17                 letters = append(letters, string(cp))
 18         }
 19         sort.Strings(letters)
 20         return strings.Join(letters, "")
 21 }
 23 func do_wordmap() *map[string][]string {
 24         file, err := os.Open("/usr/share/dict/words")
 25         if err != nil {
 26                 log.Fatal(err)
 27         }
 28         defer file.Close()
 30         var allwords []string
 31         scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
 32         for scanner.Scan() {
 33                 t := scanner.Text()
 34                 allwords = append(allwords, t)
 35         }
 37         wordmap := make(map[string][]string)
 38         for _, w := range allwords {
 39                 nw := normalize(w)
 40                 wordmap[nw] = append(wordmap[nw], w)
 41         }
 42         return &wordmap
 43 }
 45 func main() {
 46         wordmap := do_wordmap()
 48         syn := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
 49         for {
 50                 fmt.Print("Enter a word: ")
 51                 myword, _ := syn.ReadString('\n')
 52                 myword = strings.TrimSuffix(myword, "\n")
 53                 normal_w := normalize(myword)
 55                 fmt.Println((*wordmap)[normal_w])
 56         }
 57 }

It runs like this:

Enter a word: spare
[pares parse pears rapes reaps spare spear]

Distributed, Concurrent and Parallel

To facilitate distributed concurrent parallel processing on a massive scale, the language must include developer friendly primitives. To that end, Go includes for instance:

  • goroutine, for multitasking
  • channel, to communicate between the tasks

The latter were adopted from communicating sequential processes (CSP) first described in a 1978 paper by C. A. R. Hoare.

Here’s a snippet of code that will make sure to store concurrently exactly 3 replicas of each chunk:

  1 replicas_count := make(chan bool, len(servers))
  3 for _, s := range servers {
  4     go func(s *StorageServer) {
  5         s.Put(chunk)
  6         replicas_count <- true
  7     }(s)
  8 }
 10 for n := 0; n < 3; n++ {
 11     <-replicas_count
 12 }

That’s the power of Go.

  1. Use “golang” to disambiguate your google searches 
  2. Writing code focuses your mind and untroubles your soul (c)